Mentoring is one way to make a huge difference in a person's life—especially your own! Or, make a difference by becoming a tutor to show your expertise in a particular subject and develop an ongoing friendship.
See all the mentoring and tutoring opportunities with affiliates who serve children, youth, immigrants, and adults with disabilities.
Mentor Only | Mentor or Tutor | Tutor Only
Mentor Only
Center for All Abilities
Center for All Abilities seeks to serve individuals with special needs and their families through creative, educational and spiritual enrichment in a faith-guided environment.
Do For One
Do For One promotes neighborly caring by engaging volunteers ('advocates') in one-to-one relationships and supportive communities with disabled adults ('partners').
Restore NYC
Restore NYC is making freedom real for survivors of trafficking in the United States by finding women who have been trafficked and providing wrap-around services, including counseling, housing, and safe jobs.
Young Life/YoungLives
Young Life is a non-denominational Christian ministry that reaches out to adolescents.
Mentor and Tutor
A House on Beekman
A House on Beekman supports the children and families of the South Bronx by delivering holistic long-term care and services to break the cycles of spiritual, emotional, educational and economic poverty.
The Father's Heart
The Father's Heart provides services to the unemployed, at-risk youth, immigrants, and those without social or family support.
Garden of Hope
Garden of Hope dedicates itself to serving, caring and rebuilding the lives of Chinese immigrant women and children whom have been exposed to domestic violence, sexual assault and human trafficking.
Graffiti 2
Graffiti 2 Community Ministries serves children and teens in the Mott Haven neighborhood of the South Bronx through after school and community programs.
Safe Families for Children
Safe Families for Children creates extended family-like support for families in crisis through a community of compassionate volunteers.
Urban Hope
Urban Hope uplifts children, teens and youth in the West Brighton community (North Shore of Staten Island.
Tutor Only
Hillside Center for Education
Hillside Center equips and supports immigrant families in NYC through educational and professional development so they flourish in their community
The Open Door
The Open Door empowers immigrants to successfully integrate, participate and contribute to the community through ESL, GED, and more classes.