Justice System

Watch: "Just Mercy" Event (Plus Resources to Take Action)

In June, Redeemer Downtown asked congregants to watch the movie, Just Mercy, which is based on Bryan Stevenson's memoir, and then join a group discussion. To encourage their community to take further action toward biblical justice, Downtown and HFNY then invited three HFNY affiliates to talk more about criminal and racial injustice issues in NYC.

What we learned from Tim Keller & Bryan Stevenson last week

Last week, in an event co-sponsored by Redeemer Presbyterian Church, Center for Faith and Work, and Hope for New York, Tim Keller & Bryan Stevenson spoke about race, reconciliation, mass incarceration, systemic injustice, and the church. The discussion was equal parts heartbreaking, challenging, and inspiring, and we've shared some of our key takeaways here.