When you join The Hope Exchange, you're joining a community of monthly givers who are changing New York City. The idea behind The Hope Exchange is simple: even small gifts, given consistently, can make a big difference for the poor of our city over the course of the year.
On March 12, Redeemer Grace & Race, Redeemer City to City and Hope for New York co-sponsored City Walks in neighborhoods across the city. Hally Chu, a Hope for New York volunteer with Exodus Transitional Community, shares about her experience in the East Harlem walk.
During the month of February, over 1,000 volunteers surveyed the streets of Manhattan to welcome homeless men and women back to an anchor church where they were served a warm meal and offered resources for long term care.
Awesome volunteer Bo Huang attends Redeemer Downtown and has volunteered with Don't Walk By with his community group for several years. "We’ve always felt compelled to serve with DWB because homelessness is one of the major, ever-present social issues of NYC and Christ cares deeply for the poor," Bo
We’re looking for people who have a "crazy idea" – an idea that would provide a Gospel-response respond to the needs of the poor and marginalized in New York City. An idea that would bring about flourishing and shalom to our city.