At Hope for New York, we are so excited to be expanding our network by three new affiliate partners to reach even more New Yorkers in need. Learn more about them here.
I was reminded at a recent HFNY Sunday of how opposite from society and culture Jesus is as One who lifted up and befriended those ignored by everyone else. And we, as followers of Jesus, are also invited into this truly life-giving mission.
What can you eat if you rely on SNAP benefits in NYC? Will closing Rikers Island jail complex make New York a more just city? What are the differences in opportunities and challenges for the five versions of New York? Find content that speaks to these questions in the Round-Up.
As we strive to love the Lord, are we endeavoring to love our neighbors and advantage the disadvantaged, or do we separate our love of God from our love of neighbor? May we turn our hearts toward Christ for the ultimate example of what this looks like.
Terrie Wheeler, a HFNY Rep for a Redeemer East Side community group, shares a reflection from her experience volunteering with The Relief Bus. Join Terrie in prayer for the poor of our city.