Prison Fellowship is the nation's largest Christian nonprofit serving prisoners, former prisoners, and their families, and a leading advocate for criminal justice reform. The organization was founded in 1976 by Charles Colson, a former aide to President Nixon who served a seven-month sentence for a Watergate-related crime. Today, through an amazing awakening to new hope and life purpose, it helps transforms those who once broke the law, mobilizing them to serve their communities and replace the cycle of crime with a cycle of renewal.
Our Partnership
Mobilizing Volunteers
Volunteers are passionate about serving individuals in and out of prison to help those affected by incarceration to navigate reentry into community.
Creativity From Our Volunteers
Prison Fellowship collaborates with churches, para-church organizations, and local service providers to support families with loved ones behind bars and people affected by crime including prisoners and their families, victims, and wardens.
Why We Love This Affiliate
We love Prison Fellowship because their programs work to bring restoration to not only the prisoner but their families and those who are victims of crimes as well.
I've seen lives changed, as well as mine. I've learned more from the guys, I think, than they've learned from me. It's all about serving Jesus.

T.J., Volunteer
In April, both Prison Fellowship and Young Life came together for a one-day youth basketball event! In total, 106 young people attended, and it was a powerful day.
In June, Redeemer Downtown asked congregants to watch the movie, Just Mercy, which is based on Bryan Stevenson's memoir, and then join a group discussion. To encourage their community to take further action toward biblical justice, Downtown and HFNY then invited three HFNY affiliates to talk more about criminal and
My wife, Celine, and I first served our city through Hope for New York eight years ago, when we volunteered with All Angels’ Church with our Community Group. Together, we committed to serving with All Angels’ on Sunday evenings once a month. This was an incredible experience for us to