Exodus Transitional Community provides supportive services to formerly incarcerated men and women.
Exodus Transitional Community provides supportive services to formerly incarcerated men and women to help them reintegrate into their communities, achieve social and economic wellbeing, and break the cycle of recidivism.
Our Partnership
Mobilizing Volunteers
Our volunteers working with Exodus staff and participants created a series of 10-week job readiness and financial planning workshops— every year these workshops have grown and volunteers have forged lasting relationships with participants!
Creativity From Our Volunteers
Exodus now also partners with HFNY Affiliate, Open Hands Legal Services. Volunteers from Open Hands provide quarterly Legal Aid Desks with free access to legal aid for Exodus participants.
Why We Love This Affiliate
Exodus’ supports a holistic approach to re-entry, targeting key areas: employment, education, family, spirituality, health and community involvement.
Once a week, I help lead a job readiness training program that covers such topics as interviewing, resume writing, and networking. By spending my time mentoring these men and women, God has shown me how I can serve Him by sharing what He’s given me with others. Most of the participants at Exodus were never taught the basic skill sets essential for obtaining employment. In my own life, God has blessed me with many great teachers and mentors. Through these blessings from God, I have been given the tools to help improve the lives of these men and women.

Blake, Volunteer
This year, we launched a few fitness and fundraising program called the Miles of Hope Challenge! Starting in March, our network was encouraged to run, bike, walk, etc., between affiliate sites across our city!
In our Prayer Guide, the month of May is when we recognize and pray for the formerly incarcerated community. Read our prayer!
This summer, we’re celebrating our 3,700+ volunteers who gave over 47,000 hours to serve the poor of our city this past fiscal year.