New Birth in Old Age

But the godly will flourish like palm trees
and grow strong like the cedars of Lebanon.
For they are transplanted to the LORD’s own house.
They flourish in the courts of our God.
Even in old age they will still produce fruit;
they will remain vital and green.

Psalm 92:12-14

Recently, I was in a meeting with the elders of my church when one of them noted that I was on the “back nine” of my career. I’ve always considered myself to be a “young” pastor, so envisioning myself on the “back nine” was shocking. There’s something about being young. It’s comforting to think that we have plenty of time to learn, grow, and course correct, if necessary, as we work toward accomplishing great things for God. But if we’re on the back nine, maybe we don’t have the luxury of time. Could it be that our best days have come and gone?

Many cultures seem to value young people more than the elderly. In the workplace, for example, mandatory retirement policies restrict the number of years an employee is considered useful, but is this true when it comes to serving the Lord?

Thankfully, Psalm 92:12-14 seems to suggest that our best days are still ahead of us. The psalmist wrote, “For they are transplanted to the LORD’s own house . . . Even in old age they will still produce fruit; they will remain vital and green.”

For Moses, life really began at 80, and God used him to deliver the Jews out of captivity in Egypt. “ There has never been another prophet in Israel like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face” (Deut. 34:10). And Joshua, who succeeded him, also did his best work as an older man when he was leading God's people to conquer the land (Joshua 1:9).

We should never feel unproductive or useless as we grow older, nor should we underestimate our intrinsic value. Instead, we should become stronger and more effective in our faith. Just as the fall season of the year is a time of abundant fruitfulness, so, too, as we age, we should be able to say, “Though our bodies are dying, our spirits are being renewed every day” (2 Cor. 4:16).

The body may break down, but the spirit is still capable of growth, renewal, and even new birth in old age. While most American churches focus on reaching the next generation, these same churches are often neglecting the fastest-growing sector of society—the elderly.

While we certainly need youth ministry, we need to be equally passionate about meeting the needs of the elderly. The Bible teaches that God has given each of us special abilities that we are to use to help each other (1 Peter 4:10). When we allow the Holy Spirit to enlighten the eyes of our own heart to know the hope to which He has called us, not only will we be encouraged personally, but we will also be better equipped to encourage those of all ages.

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James Leonard is the Associate Pastor at Trinity Baptist Church in Manhattan, one of HFNY's partner churches. James and his wife, Elizabeth, have one daughter, Iva Joy.