Mercy & Justice Round-Up: November Edition

nov m&j roundup

At Hope for New York, we believe we serve our neighbors best when we’re informed about the needs present in our city and continually encouraged in our call to pursue justice. So, we read articles and books. We listen to podcasts. We watch videos. And we want to share that with you.

So, we’re starting our Mercy & Justice Round-Up. At the beginning of each month, we’ll share some of the articles, videos, or podcasts related to mercy and justice that have caught our attention lately. We’ll curate pieces from differing perspectives, some of which we agree with, others we might not. Sometimes that might be a sermon on how Scripture exhorts us to advocate for those who are marginalized. Or it might be an article analyzing the latest statistics on homelessness in our city. Our hope is that you’ll read and listen, learn and grow— and, ultimately, love even harder with us.

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Corrie Mitchell imageCorrie Mitchell is the Marketing and Content Specialist at Hope for New York. She lives in the South Bronx where she is a member at Restoration Community Church.